Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery or Balloon Sinuplasty: What is right for you?

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Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery or Balloon Sinuplasty: What is right for you?

Are you suffering from a stuffy nose you can’t get rid of? Do you have a cold that keeps coming back? If so, you may be suffering from chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis, infection and/or inflammation of the sinus cavities, impacts the lives of approximately 37 million people in the US each year.

Sinus Headaches, Infections, and Stuffiness

The sinuses are hollow chambers located behind our eyes and nose. Their primary function is to promote adequate airflow and easier breathing.

Issues may start to come up if the sinuses change in shape due to conditions such as:

∙ Allergies – Pollutants, airborne or topical, that our immune systems aren’t capable of handling properly can lead to severe ENT and sinus symptoms. These can include but are not limited to pollen, chemicals, and ragweed.

∙ Viral Infection – Certain infections, including those of the common cold and COVID-19 viruses, are known to increase mucus build-up and the likelihood of painful sinus infection symptoms.

∙ Fungal Infection – Those who are immunocompromised due to conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV positive status have a higher vulnerability to sinus infection due to invasive fungi.

If your symptoms have become unmanageable, even with regular medication and home remedies, sinus surgery may be the option for you.

What is Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)?

A traditional approach to chronic sinus treatment, FESS is usually discussed with patients who:

∙ Have an unusual nasal structure that prohibits the use of Balloon Sinuplasty

∙ Have had difficulty succeeding with previous sinus surgery efforts

∙ Experience chronic inflammatory that will necessitate ongoing access to the sinuses for medicated rinses, in-office removal of debris, and/or removal of recurrent nasal polyps

∙ Have a history of complicated sinusitis that has eroded through bone and extends into the orbit, the cranium, or the soft tissues of the forehead

What is Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP)?

If you have been living with chronic sinus issues for any amount of time, you have probably grappled with the idea of having to undergo an invasive sinus surgery like FESS. But the thought of general anesthesia, cutting, stitches, and tissue removal sounds horrible. Not to mention the weeks on end of recovery and post-operative follow up procedures. Stop believing surgery is your only option. With Balloon Sinuplasty, an in office procedure as opposed to an operating room surgery, you should experience:

∙ A minimally invasive procedure with no cutting, tissue removal, or nasal packing

∙ Local anesthesia only

∙ A convenient in-office procedure

∙ Coverage by most major medical insurances

∙ Long-term relief in as little as an hour

∙ Fast tracked recovery of 24 to 48 hours

∙ None of the risks, expenses, or complications associated with traditional surgery

Need More Information?

If you or someone you know in the Hagerstown, Maryland area suffers from sinusitis-related symptoms that are impacting quality of life, please visit our main Balloon Sinuplasty page and/or schedule an appointment.


Cumberland Valley’s advanced ENT specialists offer a wide range of sinus treatments and will ensure that all patients receive the best possible care.